Planning with Soul
Are you tired of strategic planning? Our approach to planning and capacity building explores the unique facet of nonprofit work that is often untapped - what moves people about your mission. We work from that source to strengthen your ability to make the world a better, more equitable place. We are thought partners who help you unite your stakeholders in alignment around a compelling vision of success, helping organizations develop powerful and moving plans and build their capacity to achieve them. Once our plans are delivered, we stay involved to help you build momentum by translating your plan into action!
We guide you through meaningful change.

Our approach to the work is rooted in relationships and community. We ground our approach in the philosophy that your stakeholders are moved by your mission and our job is to tap that motivation in planning meaningful change. Solutions co-created by and with your stakeholders don't wind up on a shelf.

Strategy & Planning
Strategic Planning · Business Planning · Fundraising Strategy · Collaborations & Partnerships · Mergers

Capacity Building
Organizational Assessment · Governance · Coaching · Implementation planning · Team Building · Leadership development · Organization Structure & Design

Facilitation & Training
Meeting or Retreat Design and Facilitation · Process facilitation ·Training
Why PENN Creative Strategy
- PENN Creative Strategy is a NYC-based, certified woman-owned consulting firm exclusively serving nonprofits and foundations.
- We have a diverse team of consultants with lived expertise and consulting expertise in a variety of areas.
- We have 25+ years of consulting experience in the sector
- We bring an anti-oppression, inclusion lens to all of our engagements - our work is rooted in these practices.
We help you create change for the better.